Judge Curtis E.A.  Karnow

Judge Curtis E.A. Karnow is a Judge of the San Francisco Superior Court. He has served in the complex litigation department, is past Presiding Judge of his court’s Appellate Division and served on Judicial Council task forces and working groups on Appellate Division rules, temporary judges, electronic discovery, e-filing and electronic access.

He was a member of the Council’s Committee on Civil & Small Claims, chairing the subcommittee on discovery and rules reform, assisting in drafting rules on case management, electronic discovery, sealing records and summary judgment.

Judge Karnow is a graduate of Harvard College and received his J.D. is from the University of Pennsylvania, where he was an editor of the Law Review. He has authored and edited a variety of books and articles on subjects including the legal process, discovery, experts, settlement, class actions, summary judgment and computer law.

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